Spedra is a fast acting erectile dysfunction treatment that can take effect in just 15 minutes.
Spedra is a treatment for adult men suffering from erectile dysfunction, or the inability to achieve and maintain an erection. Spedra’s active ingredients is avanafil that belongs to the family of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors.
There are three dosages for Spedra: 50mg, 100mg and 200mg.
Spedra works to relax the muscles in the penis to allow more blood to flow into the blood vessels. This results in a firm, erect penis suitable for sexual intercourse.
It is best if you consult with your GP first to determine which dosage is most suitable for you.
Spedra’s active ingredients, avanafil can last up to 6 hours in your body.
Since they all form part of the same family of ED, they all have the same method of operation. The difference is in the time that each active ingredient takes to work.
We have variations of medications that you can explore. Other options such as Viagra, generic Levitra and many others are also available.
No, you can only buy Spedra from some UK pharmacies after a consultation with the pharmacist. However, not all pharmacists and pharmacies offer this service.
Like all medication, Spedra can have some side effects. One in ten people have the most common ones including:
Always read the patient information leaflet before commencing treatment.
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